Sunshine and thawing.

We woke to sunshine, I know not something unusual for those living in the southern part of Middle Earth but here in the north it is a warming sight. The last week has been cold, windy and wet. Many a walk with Samuel led to a soaking. Watching Robert just hit a perfect shot onto the green, I remember last week, see previous, and marvel at the small joy of warm weather, sun giving the illusion of the coming summer. There is a small caution, the temperature is hovering just above 6 deg C, but lets pretend.

I waffle on, what was I going to say? I was going to comment on just how little time we put into sending out an email, letter or text. I received an email from Gary of Middle Smiths, father of Danial of Middle Smiths who has just had a birthday.

“Happy Birthday Dan the Man, now you are getting older you can Sort it out Yourself, leave Dad out of it.”

The email was well thought out, a reconciliation of an account. He took time over the verbs, nouns and layout. He achieved a masterful balance of credits and debits. All culminating into the grand ending, totalling the lefts and rights to form a neutral balance of accounting. I go further, a masterpiece, art in the accounting. That boy knows how to add.


  1. Yay, the blog is back! Missed it these last few days... As with cricket, rugby and most sports and general stuff Accounting was invented in the UK and perfected in Africa! Look upon us with envy!


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