The Matriarch and her lost Birthday

I start tonight’s blog in a clumsy, retrospective frame of mind; you lived so much in the present and the future, a tense you invented. Soon it will be your Birthday, something you loved/hated and then expected.

Has anyone every matched your appetite for new projects and plans, for doing so many happy, good things at the same time and you did them all by yourself.

You watch television full of drama and nature, complained and then read your book and knitted.
‘Idle hands make an idle mind.’
You so loved pasta, I remember you rationing yourself to 3 evening meals of pasta a week and then you would have some for lunch, Oh yes you did love pasta.

Your breakfast reading was a gardening encyclopaedia with a few native birds, never happy with one project, two or three held your attention, could you not somehow contrive to be both dead and alive?

Happy Birthday Mum.
